Eric Weiss

Eric Weiss

Eric developed his improv teaching and performance style under the mentorship of Ben Taxy—the founder of Santa Fe Improv. He went on to complete training in character-based improv at The Groundlings, Los Angeles and studied extensively with Will Hines, along with other notable Upright Citizens Brigade instructors Alex Berg, Shannon O’Neil, and Brandon Gardner.

Lucy River

Lucy River

Lucy grew up in Ireland. She is a former actress and current attorney. She ran Leadership Santa Fe, a non-profit for seven years, and is President of the Board of the First Judicial Bar Association.

Laurel Johnson

Laurel Johnson

Laurel Johnson Operations Coordinator & Youth Instructor Laurel has been on a kick of trying new things which joyously led her to long form improv. Since moving to the Southwest in May 2023, she’s dabbled in permaculture design, natural building, goat tending, and...
Nick Hubley

Nick Hubley

Nick Hubley Board Treasurer, Instructor, and Technical Director Nick earned his PhD in chemistry from the University of Missouri and loves to talk science. Bring it up sometime. He plays violin and has performed in several orchestras, musical pits, quartets, and a...